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What is spiritual Direction?

Spiritual Direction is an ancient faith practice that is especially relevant in our fast-paced culture. God is able to speak to you, wants to speak to you, and always has your good in mind. A spiritual director is someone trained to walk alongside you as a spiritual friend, creating consistent space to help you identify where God is already at work in your life.


In a relationship with a spiritual director, you are free to talk about your experiences of life and of God confidentially and without judgement or criticism. Through prayer, conversation, listening, and asking questions, a spiritual director can help you to deepen your relationship with God and respond to the Holy Spirit's direction. There is space to explore your questions, desires, talents, and calling, as well as your next steps toward inner freedom and joy.


Spiritual Direction is not a replacement for counseling or a therapeutic relationship. It is not strictly problem-focused. Nor is it, like life coaching, specifically goal-oriented. 

Instead, spiritual direction focuses on discovering what God is already doing in your life and how you might cooperate. This journey is something to be discovered, deepened, and celebrated.

What can i expect?

Session Length and Timing:

Most spiritual direction sessions are an hour long, meeting once every 4 to 6 weeks. We can meet in person or online on a number of different platforms: Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, etc.


Content of a Session:

I generally begin by giving an opportunity for each of us to offer a prayer or guided meditation to heighten our awareness of God's loving presence. Then we just have a conversation. Much of my time is spent listening -- both to you and to what God might be saying or doing in your life. We end each session with a prayer of blessing and gratitude.



I have a sliding fee scale and accept payments via Venmo or PayPal. 


How to Get Started:

I suggest the two of us commit to meeting three times to see how we fit. The first meeting, I will ask a few questions to get to know you better, then share a little of my experience that relates to yours. At the end of our third session, I will invite us to discuss whether we want to continue. These times are for you, so you never need to feel obligated to continue direction with me. We can stop or pause at any time. I just ask that you let me know, and I promise not to be offended.


Click the "let's get started" button to send me an email. I'll get back to you so we can discuss your first session!

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